Thanks to a grant with Keep America Beautiful®, Wacoans can keep our city beautiful by tossing their cigarettes in convenient bins. 25 bins are located across the city at Lake Waco, Brazos River, and downtown Waco.

It’s time to put cigarettes in their place! Be a good neighbor and toss your litter in a designated area. All cigarettes collected are recycled with TerraCycle! All bins are maintained by Mission Waco Street Sweep, employing those who are facing homelessness with a livable wage.

Since launching in 2022, we have successfully pulled 41 pounds of cigarette litter from our city streets, parks, waterways and downtown area!

Check out our bin sitemap to see where you can recycle your cigarettes!

Thanks to Mission Waco Street Sweep for helping us make this program possible!

Ever since 2020, Street Sweep has served homeless individuals reentering the workforce. With a goal of empowering participants to have a renewed sense of self-determination and worth with a focus on employment, housing, and finances, through professional training and holistic case management. Learn more about Mission Waco Street Sweep and their impact.