Be part of making
our city beautiful!

Thanks to our partners at City of Waco Solid Waste, Keep Texas Beautiful,
and Keep America Beautiful, we are making cleanup kits available to our community!
If you are an individual or a family, please check out our supplies at any City of Waco Library.

Adopt-A-Park and Adopt-A-Spots please utilize your Adopt-A Hub links for scheduling/supply needs.

Please give us at least 7 business days to prepare your supplies as we do not office with our supplies. Supplies will be picked up at 510 Austin Avenue, between 8am-5pm, M-F.

Supply Request Form:

Report your cleanup!

All cleanups must be reported after you perform a cleanup! Please utilize this easy form here, and report your impact.

Did you know? Every volunteer hour equals to $33.49 of economic value to our city! Your reporting is vital for our performance measures!

Drop off your supplies at 510 Austin Avenue, anytime between 8am-5pm, M-F.

Help us collect important data for the Texas Litter Database, in partnership with Keep Texas Beautiful.

As we continue to gain a deeper understanding of our states litter, we are working in collaboration with Keep Texas Beautiful and the Texas Litter Database. All reporting can be done on-site while you are doing your cleanup. This is a great way to integrate youth into cleanups. Anyone can use the reporting form with Texas Litter Database. This can be done on mobile and desktop.