Join us for our The Great Waco Cleanup & be part of making our city a more vibrant place to live!
Fill out this form and select the site(s) you wish to cleanup. Sites have been identified through our Keep America Beautiful Litter Audit and by our city leaders.
All locations have access to parking and options for restrooms. Please note all locations require volunteers to wear safety vests at all times.
This cleanup campaign is in partnership with the Great American Cleanup in partnership with Keep America Beautiful and Keep Texas Beautiful.
Curious about where these locations are? See the interactive map here
Our spring focus areas for the
Great Waco Cleanup:
Every volunteer hour is giving $33.49 back to Waco. Reporting your impact is helpful for local, state, and national data collections. Reporting your cleanup allows us to gain more supplies and expand our accessibility to making a difference in Waco!